Co-Labo, UMass Chan Medical School

We collaborate with Andrés Colubri, PhD, and his team at Co-Labo on the development and implementation of an app for symptom tracking in international travelers. Dr. Colubri specializes in the integration of machine learning, digital epidemiology, mobile health, and data visualization to create novel methods and tools with impact in infectious disease modeling, forecasting and preparedness.

Sabeti Lab

We collaborate with Pardis Sabeti, MD, PhD, and her team at the Sabeti Lab to apply current genomic approaches to the analysis of travel-related biological samples. Dr. Sabeti is a computational geneticist with expertise developing algorithms to detect genetic signatures of adaption in humans and the microbial organisms that infect humans.

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

We collaborate with Ashlee Earl, PhD, and Colin Worby, PhD, on the genetic analyses of travel-related biological samples.

Dr. Earl of the Genomic Center for Infectious Diseases and the Infectious Disease and Microbiome Program, leads a team of computational biologists to develop and utilize an array of ‘omics analytical approaches to dissect bacterial and host contributions to several infectious diseases.

Dr. Worby of the Genomic Center for Infectious Diseases is a computational biologist focusing on bacterial transmission dynamics and the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Minnesota Department of Public Health

We collaborate with Danushka Wanduragala, MPH, who leads our Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) community-informed outreach program for the prevention of malaria in international travelers returning home to visit friends and relatives. Mr. Wanduragala is unit supervisor for the Infectious Disease Equity and Engagement Unit and International Health Coordinator with the Refugee and International Health Program in the Cross-Cutting Epidemiology, Programs and Partnerships Section of the Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control (IDEPC) Division at MDH.

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

We collaborate with Ellen Lee, MD, who leads one of our New York City based community-informed outreach programs for the prevention of travel-related illness in international travelers returning home to visit friends and relatives. Dr. Lee is the medical director of the General Surveillance Unit in the Bureau of Communicable Disease, Division of Disease Control at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

We collaborate with Christina Coyle, MD, who leads one of our New York City based community-informed outreach programs for the prevention of travel-related illness in international travelers with a specific focus on malaria prevention, education, and diagnostics. Dr. Coyle has been practicing tropical medicine for twenty-five years and is recognized as an expert in her field.

Medical Practice Evaluation Center

We collaborate with Emily Hyle, MD, MSc, to investigate the cost-effectiveness of pre-travel medicine. Dr. Hyle is an infectious disease physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School.